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Christmas Artisan cookies <Christmas full house atmosphere group>    (6pcs/box)

Christmas Artisan cookies
* 每盒共6片餅乾,每款樣式各兩片不可更換
* 餅乾樣式顏色為隨機出貨,恕無法選色。
* 由於易因運送碰撞碎掉,請下單留意是否可接受此風險存在,收貨後若遇此狀況不受理此一客訴。敬請見諒。

Please contact us for quantity order.

ovo-lacto vegetarian
Packing Unit:Room temperature0.5  Unit(s) note
Shelf Life:1 month at room temperature



Package 6pcs/box
Vegetarian? ovo-lacto vegetarian
Weight per Item 150g±10g/box
Shelf Life 1 month at room temperature
Deliver Area islandwide delivery
Packing Unit Room temperature
Ingredient butter, sugar, eggs, flour, milk powder, sugar
Lead time 5
Allergen wheat, egg, milk

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