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Gourmet Style Salsa    (2pcs/order)


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Gourmet Style Salsa

Salsa, as an essential part of Mexican cuisine, is locally produced and freshly made, without preservatives, colorings, or other chemical additives. It retains the crisp texture of ingredients such as tomatoes and onions, making it the perfect companion for chips! It can also be used as a dipping sauce or dressing, adding an irresistible freshness to dishes!

Please contact us for quantity order.
Packing Unit:Refrigerated2  Unit(s) note
Shelf Life:21 days at refrigerated



Package 2pcs/order
Vegetarian? vegetarian
Weight per Item 340g±10g/cup
Shelf Life 21 days at refrigerated
Deliver Area islandwide delivery
Packing Unit Refrigerated
Ingredient tomato, cilantro, onion, green onion, jalapeno, sugar, salt, pepper, oil, lemon juice
Lead time 3
Allergen soy

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