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Sugarless Cheese Cake    (1pc/box)

Sugarless Cheese Cake
配送採冷凍宅配 ( 建議親自店取,宅配運送過程中如有碰撞導致造型損傷恕不賠償,請見諒) 。

Please contact us for quantity order.

ovo-lacto vegetarian
Packing Unit:Refrigerated依選擇尺寸決定幾  Unit(s) note
Shelf Life:4 days at refrigerated

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Package 1pc/box
Vegetarian? ovo-lacto vegetarian
Weight per Item No
Shelf Life 4 days at refrigerated
Deliver Area store pickup only
Packing Unit Refrigerated
Ingredient Cream cheese, yogurt, flour, eggs, almond flakes, animal-based whipped cream, walnuts, butter,shortening, milk powder, black sesame seeds, oatmeal
Lead time 4
Allergen wheat, almond, egg, milk

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